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Wed 10th Apr 2013 - Breaking News - JD Wetherspoon plans futuristic £4m pub
JD Wetherspoon abandons plan for its biggest hotel, with 52 bedrooms, in Ilfracombe and opts for futuristic £4m pub design: JD Wetherspoon has abandoned a plan to build a pub with 52 bedrooms on the site of the former Collingwood Hotel in Ilfracombe, Devon (population: 10,840) – deciding to build its most futuristic pub ever instead. It has submitted a plan for a £4m pub with an iconic curved design, a glass dome and roof terrace. The building will use an unusual mixture of glass, copper, aluminium and stone. Of the plan, the company stated: “The site needs a building that will rejuvenate the area. A Victorian style was considered but it was felt this style of modern pastiche would not sit well against the original Victorian buildings and that a more modern approach was needed. This style, whilst reflecting the seaside heritage also, fits with a modern construction of clean lines, bold geometry and minimal ornament.” Inside the pub will feature several bespoke fire places, one large bar and sculptures and artwork from local artists. A supporting statement with the new application says: “This scheme does not propose hotel accommodation. The client believes creating an attractive building will bring more tourists to the area which will encourage people to use the surrounding hotels and accommodation facilities therefore enhancing the sustainability of this part of Ilfracombe.” Ilfracombe town and district councillor Philip Webb said: “This is great news for Ilfracombe as we will soon be getting a top quality facility for locals and tourists. This is a big investment in our town and will create much-needed jobs, boost the economy and smarten up the seafront. Myself and others have been working with Wetherspoon since the beginning of the year to bring this good news to the town.” JD Wetherspoon has planned to invest around £4m building its biggest hotel in Ilfracombe. The company has already demolished the derelict Collingwood Hotel in preparation for the scheme. The company originally gained permission in 2008 to redevelop the prominent Victorian era Collingwood but it decided too much money would be needed to make it sound again - and a brand-new hotel would cost much more than the original £4m. A spokesman for Wetherspoon told Propel: “It’s a very, very prominent site but the costs were completely over-the-top for building a hotel. The proposed pub will have two beer gardens – one at the normal level and one on a terrace with views out to sea.” JD Wetherspoon founder Tim Martin told Propel: “Salvador Dali, Picasso and JD Wetherspoon - we are all out of the same mould really.”
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