
Thu 4th Aug 2016 - BrewDog to launch $50m ‘Equity for Punks’ crowdfunding in USA today |
BrewDog to launch $50m ‘Equity for Punks’ crowdfunding in USA today: BrewDog is to launch a $50m US crowdfunding campaign today. The company will seek to sell 1,052,632 shares of stock in BrewDog USA for £47.50 per share – the minimum investment is two shares ($95 each). The company states in its prospectus: “We are close to finalising distribution deals with many craft beer distributors in the US ready and waiting for our beers. We already have a strong reputation in the US with customers who are familiar with our beers and our story, so we will be servicing a demand that already exists. We believe we are starting from a very strong position in terms of distribution, brand recognition and sales personnel, and this strong position will enable us to hit the ground running. In the US, we have the potential to go much bigger, much harder and much faster than in Europe, because we are not starting from scratch. As in Europe, our bars will enable us to sell more beer, increase our visibility, build our community, and grow our brand. Our retail model has now been honed across 44 sites. Originally inspired by American bars, each BrewDog bar infuses European beer cafe culture, contemporary Scottish food, craft cocktails and artisanal spirits into the mix. Our spaces are raw, utilitarian and industrial, using reclaimed materials and vintage features. We intend to sell about 10% of the beer we brew from our Columbus brewery in our own BrewDog bars and this element of vertical integration will help accelerate our growth, bolster our profitability and foster deeper connections between us and our customers. In addition to owning part of BrewDog USA, you can also earn yourself some amazing, money-can’t-buy rewards after you become a shareholder through Equity for Punks USA. Every shareholder recieves: a 5% discount in all of our bars, all around the world; a 20% lifetime discount on our online shop; a free tour of BrewDog Columbus; a free tour of BrewDog Ellon; an invite (and a plus one) to our amazing USA AGM; our annual, soon- to-be-legendary beer, music and food festival, exclusively for shareholders; access to our exclusive shareholder forum and community, www.equitypunks.com; an Equity Punks ID card and a say in how our company is run. We intend to replicate BrewDog European successes in the far larger craft beer market of the USA. We intend to take advantage of the brand recognition BrewDog already has stateside from our television show and our online footprint, and translate these into sales. We intend to build on the amazing distribution contracts we already have in place. We intend to take all of our team’s experience of rapidly expanding a craft brewery and apply it in America. We own an amazing 42 acre site just ten miles from downtown Columbus, and the initial 100,000 square foot brewery will also feature a restaurant, tap room, retail space, visitor centre and beer garden. The building is due to be completed in summer 2016 and the first brew is scheduled for November. Everything about the brewery is set up for rapid growth. The initial 170 barrel brewhouse can support an annual capacity of 640,000 barrels and we will initially have fermentation capacity for 85,000 barrels. The site is primed for the future in terms of space, transport links, utilities, infrastructure and brewing equipment. Long term, the site we have in Columbus can support an annual capacity in excess of 1.5m barrels.” Anyone buying more than $50,000 of shares will receive a four-day trip to Scotland with a brewery tour and beer dinner with founders James Watt and Martin Dickie plus a quarter cask of BrewDog’s Lone Wolf Whiskey.