
Fri 8th Aug 2014 - Charles Wells to reunite divisions |
Charles Wells to reunite divisions: Charles Wells, the Bedford based brewer and pub operator, has announced that it will be bringing its major operating divisions back under the main parent company identity in the New Year. The family brewer, founded in 1876, will once again be known in its entirety as Charles Wells incorporating the existing Charles Wells Pub Company and Wells & Young’s Brewing Co Ltd. The John Bull Pub Company business that runs nine managed houses in France will be renamed Charles Wells, France. Chairman Paul Wells said: “When we entered the joint brewing venture with Young’s in 2006 it was important to establish the new company through an identity that reflected the heritage of the two traditional family brewers and hence the formation of Wells & Young’s. Our tenanted and leased pub business became known as Charles Wells Pub Company to differentiate it from the parent company, Charles Wells Ltd, which retained a 60% stake in Wells & Young’s. We had bought the John Bull pub chain in France some years earlier and each of these business divisions has established a strong trading identity in its own operating sector. However that can be confusing for some customers and suppliers, especially those who deal with different parts of the business. In August 2011, as Young’s concentrated their focus and investment on their pub business, we reached agreement to purchase its shares in Wells & Young’s. The final payment was made in February of this year and this was the catalyst to review our operating divisions and bringing them into closer alliance to maximise the benefits of vertical alignment that is so important to a family brewer. As a united Charles Wells we believe we can simplify our processes and make it easier for partners to do business with us and are already working on ways of working more effectively together.” He added: “We enjoy an excellent relationship with the team at Young’s and we look forward to working together for many years to come as custodians of the Young’s beer range and through our supply agreement with them. Young’s beers form a core part of our portfolio and we have exciting plans to nurture and develop them as we have done over the last eight years. In consultation with them, we’ll also continue to innovate and bring new beers to market that extend and complement the existing portfolio of Young’s ales. Development of Young’s London Stout has been an excellent example of working together to brew a beer that satisfies a consumer need and generates significant sales and profits for the customer. This innovative approach to brand development will continue as we pursue a progressive style to brewing great tasting beers and running successful pubs.”