
Thu 1st Oct 2015 - BrewDog passes £10m crowdfunding mark |
BrewDog passes £10m crowdfunding mark: Scottish brewer and retailer BrewDog has raised more than £10m with its Equity for Punks IV fundraising – a ground-breaking figure for equity crowdfunding. According to MarketWatch, the previous high for an equity crowdfunded project in the world totalled $6m raised. The company stated: “So we have let fly a wrecking ball in that direction, to the tune of over double the amount. So make that two wrecking balls. And we are not finished yet. Every penny raised will be invested in our business to help grow BrewDog for those who have become shareholders. Our Equity Punks are the heart and soul of our company, and we are stoked that the number of people who have invested has now reached 35,000. It’s like a football crowd cheering us on as we turn the key in the brewery lock each morning. We will continue to use the investment of our Equity Punks to develop our eco-friendly brewery at Ellon, as well as our new state of the art facility in Columbus, Ohio. We’re actively looking at opening new bars (and stand by for an announcement on that subject at the end of this week), as well as employing more amazing people to add to our workforce, and continuing to make the very best beer we can. As other craft breweries capitulate and hand their businesses to industrial brewing conglomerates, we will continue to invite the people who drink our beer to own a part of BrewDog, and involve them in the running of our company. This world record for equity crowdfunding is a marker in the sand for beer fans, amidst so many recent black marks for the craft brewing industry.” BrewDog launched a second crowdfunding route via Crowdcube at the start of September – a total of £1.67m has been raised from 974 investors. The Crowdcube sum is included within the £10m.